Visual Toolkit

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Useful Reading Aides

Reading Guide

The reading guide button allows the user to have a reading guide that will appear on the y & x axis. (Think of it like using your finger to guide you eyes over the words you should be reading on a book).

Highlight Reading Guide

The hightlight reading guide button allows the user to have a reading guide that will highlight a strip on the page to view.


At Coton in the Elms School, everything that we do is centred around our school vision.  This includes the ‘diet’ that we provide our children – the taught curriculum, enrichment opportunities, clubs & activities and whole school events.


At Coton-in-the-Elms CofE Primary, everything that we do is centred around ensuring our pupils are ready for the next stage of their lives.

The principles of how our children learn are embedded within our teaching pedagogy. The sequential curriculum builds upon prior learning, ensuring prior knowledge is embedded in the long-term memory and can be retrieved and built upon to develop more complex schema. All decisions are informed by research and accounts of prior success. We provide an engaging, broad and balanced curriculum based upon the National Curriculum aims and expectations.  The 5 values which we hold dear: P.E.A.C.E (Perseverance, Excellence, Awe & Wonder, Compassion and Enjoyment) are important qualities we want our pupils to leave school with and take with them as they move in to the next stage of their lives.

We have 3 key curriculum drivers that are important threads that run through our curriculum: Our Place in Our World; Oracy and Build Lasting KNowledge

Each of these drives what and how we offer learning experiences in school.  Our Curriculum Intent is suitably tailored to our school’s current population and the families we work with.  To view more details about our curriculum offer, please click on the document below.

Coton curriculum on a page

We are committed to ensuring we prepare children for life in  Modern Britain through the teaching of British Values and ensuring that the 9 Protected Characteristics weave through our curriculum.

Protected characteristics teaching in Coton

Our Christian values, PSHE lessons and daily collective worship promote positive attitudes which reflect the skills and character needed for future learning and success. Children leave Coton-in-the-Elms Church of England Primary School with a sense of belonging and pride and developed the confidence and skills needed to be learners in life. We intend our pupils to be active and successful participants of British and Global society. There is explicit reference and careful consideration given to how diversity and inclusion weaves through our units of work. It enables us to build strong relationships, celebrate diversity, encourage respect and build a sense of community. It provides and acknowledges success for all children, in all aspects of their development and it recognises, encourages and celebrates all types of talent. Pupils learn about significant people through time and how they have helped to shape the world we live in today.

Curriculum Rationale and Purpose

Each of our subject leaders has carefully considered the curriculum offer for their subject area (examples below).

The rationale for the curriculum design of their area can be found in our ‘rationale and Purpose documents’. This document sits alongside the subject’s policy.

Purpose and Rationale Documents Outlining the Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact